Package 'ggstar'

Title: Multiple Geometric Shape Point Layer for 'ggplot2'
Description: To create the multiple polygonal point layer for easily discernible shapes, we developed the package, it is like the 'geom_point' of 'ggplot2'. It can be used to draw the scatter plot.
Authors: Shuangbin Xu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Shuangbin Xu <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Built: 2025-02-02 03:40:21 UTC

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Key drawing functions


Each Geom has an associated function that draws the key when the geom needs to be displayed in a legend. These are the options built into ggplot2.


draw_key_star(data, params, size)



A single row data frame containing the scaled aesthetics to display in this key


A list of additional parameters supplied to the geom.


Width and height of key in mm.


A grid grob.

Star layer


geom_star provides the multiple geometric shape to create scatter plot or other point plot, it is like the 'geom_point' of 'ggplot2'. Note: the 'left-triangle' (17, 19) and 'right-triangle' (18, 20) are developed to plot the 'triangle-heatmap'. Their centers are not in their internal, but the center of hypotenuse.


  mapping = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE,
  stat = "identity",
  position = "identity",
  show.legend = NA,
  inherit.aes = TRUE,



Set of aesthetic mappings created by aes(). If specified and inherit.aes = TRUE (the default), it is combined with the default mapping at the top level of the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plot mapping.


The data to be displayed in this layer. There are three options:

If NULL, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to ggplot().

A data.frame, or other object, will override the plot data. All objects will be fortified to produce a data frame. See fortify() for which variables will be created.

A function will be called with a single argument, the plot data. The return value must be a data.frame, and will be used as the layer data. A function can be created from a formula (e.g. ~ head(.x, 10)).


If 'FALSE', the default, missing values are removed with a warning. If 'TRUE', missing values are silently removed.


The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer, either as a ggproto Geom subclass or as a string naming the stat stripped of the stat_ prefix (e.g. "count" rather than "stat_count")


Position adjustment, either as a string naming the adjustment (e.g. "jitter" to use position_jitter), or the result of a call to a position adjustment function. Use the latter if you need to change the settings of the adjustment.


logical. Should this layer be included in the legends? NA, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. FALSE never includes, and TRUE always includes. It can also be a named logical vector to finely select the aesthetics to display.


If FALSE, overrides the default aesthetics, rather than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions that define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from the default plot specification, e.g. borders().


Other arguments passed on to layer.


  • starshape the shape of point, default is 1 (star shape).

  • starstroke control the thickness of margin of point, default is 0.5.

  • size the size of point, default is 1.5.

  • colour the colour of margin, default is 'black'.

  • fill the colour of fill, default is NA.

  • alpha the transparency of fill, default is 1.

  • angle control the angle of rotation of point, default is 0.

  • subset subset the data frame which meet conditions to display.


polygonal point layer


geom_star() understands the following aesthetics (required aesthetics are in bold):

Learn more about setting these aesthetics in vignette("ggplot2-specs").


Shuangbin Xu


p <- ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, 
                      starshape=Species)) + 





Shuangbin Xu

Create your own discrete scale


Create your own discrete scale


scale_starshape_manual(..., values, aesthetic = "starshape")

scale_angle_manual(..., values, aesthetic = "angle")



Arguments passed on to ggplot2::discrete_scale


[Deprecated] The name of the scale that should be used for error messages associated with this scale.


A palette function that when called with a single integer argument (the number of levels in the scale) returns the values that they should take (e.g., scales::pal_hue()).


The name of the scale. Used as the axis or legend title. If waiver(), the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first mapping used for that aesthetic. If NULL, the legend title will be omitted.


One of:

  • NULL for no breaks

  • waiver() for the default breaks (the scale limits)

  • A character vector of breaks

  • A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL for no labels

  • waiver() for the default labels computed by the transformation object

  • A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks)

  • An expression vector (must be the same length as breaks). See ?plotmath for details.

  • A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL to use the default scale values

  • A character vector that defines possible values of the scale and their order

  • A function that accepts the existing (automatic) values and returns new ones. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


Unlike continuous scales, discrete scales can easily show missing values, and do so by default. If you want to remove missing values from a discrete scale, specify na.translate = FALSE.


If na.translate = TRUE, what aesthetic value should the missing values be displayed as? Does not apply to position scales where NA is always placed at the far right.


Should unused factor levels be omitted from the scale? The default, TRUE, uses the levels that appear in the data; FALSE uses all the levels in the factor.


A function used to create a guide or its name. See guides() for more information.


The call used to construct the scale for reporting messages.


The super class to use for the constructed scale


a set of aesthetic values to map data values to. If this is a named vector, then the values will be matched based on the names. If unnamed, values will be matched in order (usually alphabetical) with the limits of the scale. Any data values that don't match will be given 'na.value'.


The names of the aesthetics that this scale works with.


starshape scale constructor

Scales for starshapes, aka glyphs


‘scale_starshape' maps discrete variables to nine easily discernible shapes (’starshapes'). If you have more than 9 levels, you will get a warning message, and the seventh and subsequence levels will not appear on the plot. Use [scale_starshape_manual()] to supply your own values. You can not map a continuous variable to shape.


scale_starshape(..., default = TRUE)



Arguments passed on to ggplot2::discrete_scale


The names of the aesthetics that this scale works with.


[Deprecated] The name of the scale that should be used for error messages associated with this scale.


A palette function that when called with a single integer argument (the number of levels in the scale) returns the values that they should take (e.g., scales::pal_hue()).


The name of the scale. Used as the axis or legend title. If waiver(), the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first mapping used for that aesthetic. If NULL, the legend title will be omitted.


One of:

  • NULL for no breaks

  • waiver() for the default breaks (the scale limits)

  • A character vector of breaks

  • A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL for no labels

  • waiver() for the default labels computed by the transformation object

  • A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks)

  • An expression vector (must be the same length as breaks). See ?plotmath for details.

  • A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL to use the default scale values

  • A character vector that defines possible values of the scale and their order

  • A function that accepts the existing (automatic) values and returns new ones. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


Unlike continuous scales, discrete scales can easily show missing values, and do so by default. If you want to remove missing values from a discrete scale, specify na.translate = FALSE.


If na.translate = TRUE, what aesthetic value should the missing values be displayed as? Does not apply to position scales where NA is always placed at the far right.


Should unused factor levels be omitted from the scale? The default, TRUE, uses the levels that appear in the data; FALSE uses all the levels in the factor.


A function used to create a guide or its name. See guides() for more information.


The call used to construct the scale for reporting messages.


The super class to use for the constructed scale


should the starshapes be default?

Use values without scaling for ggstar


Use values without scaling for ggstar


scale_starshape_identity(..., guide = "none")



Arguments passed on to ggplot2::continuous_scale


The names of the aesthetics that this scale works with.


[Deprecated] The name of the scale that should be used for error messages associated with this scale.


A palette function that when called with a numeric vector with values between 0 and 1 returns the corresponding output values (e.g., scales::pal_area()).


The name of the scale. Used as the axis or legend title. If waiver(), the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first mapping used for that aesthetic. If NULL, the legend title will be omitted.


One of:

  • NULL for no breaks

  • waiver() for the default breaks computed by the transformation object

  • A numeric vector of positions

  • A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks as output (e.g., a function returned by scales::extended_breaks()). Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL for no minor breaks

  • waiver() for the default breaks (one minor break between each major break)

  • A numeric vector of positions

  • A function that given the limits returns a vector of minor breaks. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. When the function has two arguments, it will be given the limits and major breaks.


An integer guiding the number of major breaks. The algorithm may choose a slightly different number to ensure nice break labels. Will only have an effect if breaks = waiver(). Use NULL to use the default number of breaks given by the transformation.


One of:

  • NULL for no labels

  • waiver() for the default labels computed by the transformation object

  • A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks)

  • An expression vector (must be the same length as breaks). See ?plotmath for details.

  • A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL to use the default scale range

  • A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale. Use NA to refer to the existing minimum or maximum

  • A function that accepts the existing (automatic) limits and returns new limits. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. Note that setting limits on positional scales will remove data outside of the limits. If the purpose is to zoom, use the limit argument in the coordinate system (see coord_cartesian()).


A function used to scale the input values to the range [0, 1]. This is always scales::rescale(), except for diverging and n colour gradients (i.e., scale_colour_gradient2(), scale_colour_gradientn()). The rescaler is ignored by position scales, which always use scales::rescale(). Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • Function that handles limits outside of the scale limits (out of bounds). Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.

  • The default (scales::censor()) replaces out of bounds values with NA.

  • scales::squish() for squishing out of bounds values into range.

  • scales::squish_infinite() for squishing infinite values into range.


For position scales, a vector of range expansion constants used to add some padding around the data to ensure that they are placed some distance away from the axes. Use the convenience function expansion() to generate the values for the expand argument. The defaults are to expand the scale by 5% on each side for continuous variables, and by 0.6 units on each side for discrete variables.


Missing values will be replaced with this value.


For continuous scales, the name of a transformation object or the object itself. Built-in transformations include "asn", "atanh", "boxcox", "date", "exp", "hms", "identity", "log", "log10", "log1p", "log2", "logit", "modulus", "probability", "probit", "pseudo_log", "reciprocal", "reverse", "sqrt" and "time".

A transformation object bundles together a transform, its inverse, and methods for generating breaks and labels. Transformation objects are defined in the scales package, and are called ⁠transform_<name>⁠. If transformations require arguments, you can call them from the scales package, e.g. scales::transform_boxcox(p = 2). You can create your own transformation with scales::new_transform().


[Deprecated] Deprecated in favour of transform.


For position scales, The position of the axis. left or right for y axes, top or bottom for x axes.


The call used to construct the scale for reporting messages.


The super class to use for the constructed scale


Guide to use for this scale. Defaults to '"none"'.


identical (default) starshape scale constructor

See Also


Show the total star shapes


Show the total star shapes





see also theme.


gg object


Shuangbin Xu


p <- show_starshapes()

starshape palette (discrete)


starshape palette (discrete)


starshape_pal(default = TRUE)



should starshapes be reorder (1, 13, 15, 11, 12, 14, 29, 2, 27) or not?